Friday, October 19, 2012

A Day In The Life

A couple of my favorite blogs have been doing this, and I think it's a great way to document how life is right now. The little, mundane details seem so boring but looking back, they are always changing! Days were so different when Brook was tiny, and even more different still before she came along. I am sure they will change again when baby #2 comes along in a few months. So here, in all it's a day in my life.

5:45 David's alarm goes off. I roll over and go back to sleep

6:30 my alarm goes. I hit snooze but I've been awake for a while listening to David get ready for work. Just too tired to actually get out of bed.

6:40  David comes in to give me a kiss and make sure I get out of bed before he leaves for work. I head straight to the shower...miraculously it's still quiet down the hall.

7:15 As I'm putting mascara on, I hear little feet shuffling down the hall. I know she's standing there, peeking around the corner but pretend not to notice. She likes to "scare" me by saying BOO! The first words out of Brook's mouth after that are "Can I have a nack?" She calls all meals snacks ....

I usually give her Rice Krispies or greek yogurt. She eats at the table and then watched a PVR'd episode of Max and Ruby while I finish getting ready and tidy the house

7:45 I dress Brook and comb her hair, then she turns off the tv and we rush downstairs. She begins to play while I turn on all the lights, unlock the front door, turn on the kids music, and start mixing cinnamon flop cake for the kid's morning snack. I have to go back upstairs twice - once for flour because the daycare kitchen was out, and once for socks that I forgot to put on Brook's feet.

8:00 The first daycare child arrives. Mom and I chat at the door while the kids run off to play. After mom leaves I make myself a cup of coffee and get the cinnamon flop into the oven before the next kid arrives.

9:00 By now, most everyone has arrived and I've spent the last hour greeting everyone, chatting to moms, and getting kids settled into an activity or helping them wave goodbye at the window. My coffee is forgotten and has now grown cold. Morning snack is out of the oven and the kids are hungry, so I announce snack time and they all go trouping into the kitchen to eat. Colorful plastic dishes are passed out, along with forks and glasses of milk. Lots of happy chatter and LOTS of mess.  I remind them to put their dishes in the sink and wash their hands - I herd them one by one off to the bathroom and then send them off to play. While they get busy in the playroom I wash the table, wipe down sticky chairs, and sweep the floor. Dishes can wait.

10:30 We've been playing (and I've been alternating between playing and just sitting and supervising) but now it's cleanup time. We sing the cleanup song, get to work. I lead a circle time with the usual songs, calendar, a book, and a simple game and then they all head back to the table for an art project. More mess ensues...another round of hand washing, table scrubbing, floor sweeping.

10:45 It's usually outside time, but it's windy and cold so I skip it in favor of more play time. Brook and one of the other kids are having a hard time this morning, lots of bickering between them. Some children want to color and play with playdough, so there's another round of table washing, floor sweeping, and hand washing.

11:45 Cleanup time and lunch. After lunch a few moms come to pick up their children so we chat as I help children pack their lunch bags up and get started on some quiet book time while the rest finish eating.

12:30 Bed time. Ah....Everyone is laid down on a cot with a blanket from home, Enya is playing softly. One child begins to cry but it doesn't last long. I change the baby and tuck her in to her own room for a nap. She screams herself to sleep, poor thing. Once she settles, I sit down in the nap room with my Bible and my ipod to relax. Brook is rolling around, talking, and being noisy. Most of them do fall asleep but a few stay awake and I give them books

2:15 The baby begins to wail, so I turn on the lights and most of the children get up. I change the baby and then put out a snack.Brook finally fell asleep at the end of nap time and is still snoozing. As the kids eat snack I wash the dishes. Brook wakes up crying, so I abandon the dishes for a snuggle.

The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur of cleaning, changing diapers, breaking up arguments, reminders to put toys away, and greeting parents as they trickle in to pick up their kids. The last child is picked up just before 5. Brook plays for a few more minutes while I tidy up the daycare and turn off the music and the lights.

5:10 We head upstairs. Brook reads books while I start supper.

5:45 Daddy is home! Brook runs to him, they hug and read books together until supper is ready.

6:00 We eat dinner and then relax in the living room. Brook alternates between playing and jumping all over us. David offers to give Brook a bath tonight, so I clean up dinner while they splash in the tub. He gets her ready for bed and they read a book. We both tuck her in and say prayers.

8:00 Brook talks and calls for us for close to an hour, but falls asleep around 9. We watch tv and sit with our laptops. David gives me a foot rub in exchange for watching Duck Dynasty. I fall asleep on the couch and David wakes me to go to bed just after 10.

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